I say something rude
to someone who’s lost,
And I’ve ruinded my witness,
But they will pay the cost.
–So I nail in the nails.
Can anyone see the Lord through me,
Or do they simply see my sins?
Am I living the life Christ wants me to,
Am I living the life of man?
–So I plunge in the spear.
And when I fail to pray,
and my conversations with Him fade,
Does He patiently wait for my call,
Though it causes Him pain?
–And I place the thorns upon His brow.
I lead a life of double standards,
One day good, the next one bad.
Can He quietly stand by
When He sees all I could have had?
–And I ridicule my Lord once again.
For you see,
Each time we turn our backs,
and return to the world of sin,
It is then that you and I,
We crucify Him again.
— Brandy Cambell (12th grade)