A speed boat set out from one region of the country to another. The sea was turbulent, the storm raging. Those on board the boat were afraid but only the captain was calm. One man being a Christian wondered why, in the midst of all the turbulence, the captain was calm so he went ahead and asked him. “We are all troubled, but you are calm, why is this?” The captain answered “My destination is the port we are going, not the troubled sea”. That was what he was looking forward to. What are you looking at? Are you looking up to Jesus or at the storms of life? Are you looking forward to your prize in heaven or looking at the everyday turbulence of life?
A note from an E-Mail Ministry subscriber: This is a true account. A friend shared this yesterday with our group of women. Her husband was in
the boat and really got inspired by what the captain said. I’m writing from Nigeria. MODUPE OKHAIMOH