NOTE: The following message was sent to me by an E-Mail Ministry subscriber. This 4th of July I thought it would be good to remember those have have died and those who are dieing to keep this country free. Thank you and God bless. — doug
John 15:13 (NIV): Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
On April 15, 2002 my Pastor’s son, Brian Craig, age 28, was killed in Afghanistan while preparing to detonate rockets left behind by the Taliban. Please feel free to use the following in your emailministry. I’m sure my Pastor, Arthur Craig, of Woodhaven Baptist Deaf Church in Houston, TX, would be blessed to know that Brian is still sharing his testimony through your ministry. (NOTE: Paster Craig gave E-Mail Ministry permission to send out Brian’s letter. — doug)
Below is a preface by my Pastor, with Brian’s letter following.
Sue W.
Conroe, TX
Our son, SSG Brian Craig was killed in Kandahar, Afghanistan on April 15th while preparing to detonate some 107 mm Russian rockets left behind by the Taliban. The days to follow would reveal to us the impact that Brian’s life has had on a vast number of people and that God had ordered his steps to fulfill His purpose through him. On Saturday April 27th we received Brian’s final letter written on April 8th to his “Dad”. Obviously, God was preparing Brian for what would happen one week later. He seemed to be totally absorbed by a desire to draw near to the heart of God, to thank his parents, and to impact others as a man of Christ.
We share Brian’s letter with you, praying that God will strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Brian was buried at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA on May 22, 2002 at 3:00 pm. The service began with a memorial service at Fort Myers Chapel and concluded with burial at 3:30 pm.
We appreciate your continued prayers and love during this time. You may contact us at
Arthur and Barbara Craig
08 Apr 02
~ Brian’s Letter ~
Dear Dad,
You have asked about my walk with Christ on the phone. I just wanted to write and let you know how things are going. I just started the book you sent “The Four Pillars of Man’s Heart”. It seems as though every book that you send is an answer to my prayers. God has really blessed me with both a great father and mother. I am so fortunate to have two people that I can always come to for advice. Thank you.
It is strange that of all my experiences in life, that here in Afghanistan I have really started to grow spiritually. The bible study that I was having with the group of guys before was an answered prayer. When I come home I will start to look for a weekly bible study. I
realize how important it is. I also realize how important prayer is. The book “Fresh wind, Fresh Fire” was great.
I have my good days and my bad days. I guess that is to be expected. I will do so good for a couple of days and then falter. I know as I continue to grow in the Lord, that my good days will outnumber my bad. I know that you pray for me and I thank you. Just know that God is answering your prayers concerning me.
I never thought that I could grow in my relationship with God around the people that I work with. I read in one of the books as Christians we know there is a hole we just don’t know how deep it goes. I want to know how deep it goes. – I don’t know if I said that right, but you know what I mean. My life is changing and I like it. I think that the guys I work with know that I am different. I just pray that I make a difference in their lives. I pray that I am a good example. Pray for me that I may be a good example of a man of Christ. Pray that I
make the right decisions, say the right things, act the way that I should as a Christian.
Thank you for your wisdom. Thank you for being the great parents that you are. Thank you for all that you do for me. Thank you for being a role model. Thank you for being not only parents but great friends. I love you and Mom so much.
NOTE: Thank you Brain for your strength and your faith. And for giving
your life so that we may be free from terror. — doug