TAKE MY HAND Are you troubled, burdened, blue? Take my hand. I’ve been troubled, too, I understand. Where you’ve fallen, once I fell — Let me help the clouds dispel — Take my hand. Others helped when I was weak, Took my hand, Helped me face toward the peak,...
Articles with the Tag 4
The Bible and the Coal Basket
THE BIBLE & THE COAL BASKET The story is told of an old man who lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning, Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading from his old worn-out Bible. His grandson who...
Stepping Stones
STEPPING STONES The Lord came to me like a dream one day and asked, “why do you sorrow?” I answered, “Lord my life is so full of pain, I can’t face one more tomorrow.” The Lord sat down beside me, and gently took my hand. He said, “Let Me...
Some Talk The Talk, But May Stumble Walking The Talk
SOME TALK THE TALK, BUT MAY STUMBLE WALKING THE TALK A man was being tailgated by a stressed-out woman on a busy boulevard. Suddenly, the light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the...
Roses and Thorns
ROSES AND THORNS A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully, and before it blossomed, he examined it. He saw the bud that would soon blossom and also the thorns. And he thought, “How can any beautiful flower come from a plant burdened with so many sharp...