Heaven & Hell

HEAVEN & HELL A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said, “Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like. ” The Lord led the holy man to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the holy man...

Angel In The Classroom

ANGEL IN THE CLASSROOM A pastor read a letter from an elementary school teacher who attends East Hill Church.  The gist of the letter was as follows: Last school year, her classroom was made up of little third graders, every one of which came from either a single parent...

It’s In Your Face

IT’S IN YOUR FACE You don’t have to tell how you live each day, You don’t have to say if you work or play, A tried, true barometer serves in the place; however you live, it will show in your face. The false, the deceit you bear in your...

U Turns

U TURNS “Thanks for inviting me to go to church with you next Sunday, Uncle Al.” Tim and his uncle were on their way to Bonny Lake. They had heard the fishing there was great. “I . . . I don’t want to hurt your feelings,” continued Tim, “but...

Quiet My Heart, Lord

QUIET MY HEART, LORD Quiet my heart, Lord, and show me a Christmas as peaceful and calm as an old cattle shed… Slow down my pace, Lord, and help me seek Jesus, the Son of Your Love, in a humble straw bed… Steady my spirit, Lord, call me from...