
It’s October

As is the continued tradition, the first E-Mail Ministry message of the month is my chance to talk to all of you about E-Mail Ministry and other related items. So here goes the October edition: * * * PLEASE NOTE I will be off-line from Saturday 2-Oct. to Saturday...

Judgement Day

The following are original stories by are original stories by Samantha Oprea who is 14 years old. Please send any comments directly to Samantha at (you just got to love that e-mail address!!!) Judgement Day By: Samantha Oprea As Sarah walked through the heavy wooden doors, she immediately...

Poems by Natalie

Hi, I just wanted to submit some of my poems I’ve written to this E-Mail Ministry, it’s an awesome cause! It’s helped me witness by forwarding it!!!! Thank you! — NATALIE PATTON EVANGELISM HURTS You never ever support the decisions that I make. You point and laugh, as my...

American President

AMERICAN PRESIDENT In the movie “The American President”, Louis, played by Michael J. Fox, confronts the President, played by Michael Douglas, about his lack of action when attacked by his political opponent. Louis, in an angry voice, tells the President: “People want leadership, Mr. President and in the absent...

Welcome to September

WELCOME TO SEPTEMBER As is the tradition now, the first E-Mail Ministry message of the month is my chance to talk to all of you about the status of E-Mail Ministry and other related items. So here goes the September edition: BACK TO SCHOOL: Now is the time when...