WHERE WAS GOD IN ALL OF THIS? First of all, God was trying to discourage anyone from taking this flight. Those four flights together held over 1000 passengers and there was only 266 aboard. God was on 4 commercial flights giving terrified passengers the ability to stay calm. Not...
Now Can We Pray?
NOW CAN WE PRAY? NOW that the PRESIDENT has called us to PRAYER….. NOW that CONGRESS has called us to PRAYER….. NOW that our GOVERNOR has called us to PRAYER…. NOW that the city MAYOR has called us to PRAYER…. NOW that the MEDIA and most other branches of...
Do It Again, Lord
DO IT AGAIN, LORD Max Lucado’s Prayer America Prays Sept. 15, 2001 Dear Lord, We’re still hoping we’ll wake up. We’re still hoping we’ll open a sleepy eye and think, “What a horrible dream.” But we won’t, will we, Father? What we saw was not a dream. Planes did...
On Monday
ON MONDAY On Monday there were people fighting against praying in schools On Tuesday you would have been hard pressed to find a school where someone was not praying On Monday there were people trying to separate each other by race, sex, color and creed On Tuesday they were...
America Reacts
AMERICA REACTS A follow-up message from doug: In my 11-Sept message titled “Today’s Terrorist Event” I had the following paragraph: “I also beg you, please do not transfer any anger you harbor against the terrorists responsible for this attack against innocent others just because they are the same nationality...