As is the tradition now, the first E-Mail Ministry message of the month is my chance to talk to all of you about E-Mail Ministry and other related items. So here goes the August edition:
The Michigan Christian Advocate has published an article about E-Mail Ministry. The Michigan Christian Advocate is published and distributed to all the United Methodist Churches in Michigan. Several new subscribers have mentioned this is where they learned of E-Mail Ministry. My Associate Pastor recommended they do the article (thanks Pastor T.!)
If you know of other advertising opportunities for this ministry, please let me know.
The Bible Book Puzzle seemed to be a hit with people! One reader sent me another puzzle which contains 31 books hidden in it. Here it is, have fun!
Joe, and the Books of the Bible
Joe told me there are thirty-one books of the Bible in this story. There are sixty-six books in the King James Version, which forms a most remarkable library. Sixty-six is a number some branches of religion don’t accept. The impact of the Bible, whose ancient writings and truth still apply, has been dynamic. A hard to ignore fact is the quality of its teaching. This story makes it a real job to find the names as they are not capitalized and often leap the spaces between the words. If a book isn’t an instant revelation, it can cause great lamentations.
Joe says it usually takes his girl friend hours to find them all. When she is confronted with puzzles like this, she brews a cup of tea to help her concentrate better. But then, she’s a real pro: verbs, nouns, and all that stuff are her thing. She is very grouchy while working conundrums. Being a hag gains her no great circle of friends. She also ingratiates herself by keeping alms that were not meant for her. She keeps alms because she doesn’t like to labor. She leaves a scent in the breeze, kielbasa with Dijon, a heartily seasoned mustard, comes wafting toward you. Johnny Appleseed would be proud of her apple pie.
Joe learned most of the Old Testament was written somewhere east of Suez, rather close to Judea. See how well you can compete. Respond by underlining as you find it. It usually takes only a few minutes to judge several sentences for such names. There is the danger of seeking so hurriedly one will overlook names in going from answer to answer. Though thirty one books are herein concealed, it is hard to say what score is normal. A child may find certain books, whereas adults will overlook them. At the worst, one should find a few. As a matter of fact, some are obvious in a humorous sort of way. Joe should go out and compose a song. Of songs he knows as much as Bible books.
From- The Voice of Lay Speaking, July 1993, p.10
(The solution can be found in the 9/1/99 Welcome to September message)
An E-Mail Ministry subscriber sent this to me and I thought it was worth forwarding!
“I have just been made aware of a great web site which is sponsored by several corporations. Every time that you go to that site and click on the ‘Donate Free Food’ button, one of those corporations will make a donation to feed a starving person for one day. You can do this once a day, and it costs nothing to you personally.
This is a form of advertising for the sponsoring corporations. It gets their name in front of you, just the way that a television commercial does.
It does not cost you anything to make this donation – everything is paid for by the sponsoring corporation.
Please take the time to do this and share this web site with others. It is an easy way to help!
Click here:
20 seconds per day to help. Please just do it!”
As always, I encourage you to forward the E-Mail Ministry messages to family, friends, work associates, etc. Occasionally, I get comments from people when they subscribe indicating how much they appreciate people thinking of them and sending them the messages. Here is one comment I recently received.
“I have really enjoyed receiving these neat stories from my family and was glad to know I could subscribe. This ministry has been a blessing to my life and have uplifted me on some down days. They give you so much to think about. Thanks and God bless!!!!!!! — Perry”
You can make a difference in someone’s life. Follow God’s lead on who you should send the messages to!
E-Mail Ministry is up to 393 subscribers. An increase of 111 from last month!
On the SUBSCRIBE and the FAVORITE VERSES web pages on the E-Mail Ministry site is a map of the United States showing the states where E-Mail Ministry subscribers are from. If you are from a state not shown in red, please let me know so I an update the map. If you from a country other than the United States, Canada, Sweden or Venezuela please let me know what country so I can update the list. Thanks. It is fun to see where these messages end up!
I pray you all have an enjoyable summer and may you continue to see
God’s blessings in your lives.
— doug