Eighteen years ago this past Saturday (Dec 3, 1998), I sent out the first E-Mail Ministry message to 15 “volunteers”. Today, the E-Mail Ministry messages reach 20,000+ people around the world for Christ.
Subscribers have e-mailed me the various ways that they have used the messages to reach out to others and how God has used the messages to touch their own hearts. All of this is because you have listened to God’s quiet whisper to spread the messages to others.
These messages were originally transmitted via e-mail only (thus its name). However, times change and technology does as well. Now, E-Mail Ministry uses not only e-mail, but also Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/E-Mail-Ministry-146699155358855/), Twitter (https://twitter.com/EMailMinistry ), smart phone app (http://localfreeapps.com/market/install.php?appid=220 ) as well as website blog (https://www.emailministry.org/stories/ ).
We have made subscribing to the E-Mail Ministry messages easier. Simply go to the website (www.emailministry.org), scroll down and enter your e-mail address in the box below the section “Subscribe to Blog via Email”
And there is the “However” part…
The E-Mail Ministry messages will always be free to subscribe to, HOWEVER, the means to distribute them are not. Maintaining the E-Mail Ministry website isn’t free. We are also trying to upgrade the smartphone app (anybody know any good smartphone app developers?). I am asking you to prayerfully consider supporting E-Mail Ministry.
First, I would like to thank those who have sent in donations over the past year. If you have been blessed by this ministry, please ask God how He would have you support it. There are three key ways this ministry needs your support:
1) Please forward the messages onto others. E-Mail Ministry does not advertise but relies upon you to tell your friends, family and work associates about this ministry. Feel free to forward the messages onto others and tell them about the E-Mail Ministry website.
2) Please pray for this ministry. Pray that this ministry will reach seekers and believers around the world. Please pray that people will be open to the messages God is placing on their hearts through this ministry.
3) As I mentioned, The messages are free, but the method of conveying the messages is not. Please support this ministry with your financial gifts. Consider making a yearend, tax deductible contribution. Contributions can be made by check or online donation.
Contributions by check can be sent to:
E-Mail Ministry, Inc.
P.O. Box 6293
Plymouth, MI 48170
Online donations can be made via PayPal from the link at: https://www.emailministry.org/donate/
All I ask is that you prayerfully consider supporting E-Mail Ministry however you can – by forwarding the messages onto others, in prayer, and/or financially.
E-Mail Ministry is exclusively supported by its subscribers. I do not accept any wages for my efforts with this ministry. Donations are solely used to offset the costs of this ministry. The E-Mail Ministry messages are free to all who subscribe, but the ministry itself does incur expenses. I am confident that God will provide to keep this ministry active.
E-Mail Ministry, Inc. is a recognized 501(c)(3) organization. For those who don’t speak the U.S. tax code, E-Mail Ministry is a recognized non-profit organization and all donations made to E-Mail Ministry are tax deductible on your U.S. federal income taxes.
In this CHRISTmas season I ask that you bless those who have blessed you and those who need your support.
Thank you and have a blessed day!