AGAIN, WHERE WAS GOD? When things go wrong and life falls apart, it’s not unusual for people to want to fire God. It would be like axing an incompetent personal assistant. Is this any way to run a universe? Or we want to go to Facebook and un-friend God...
New Beginnings
NEW BEGINNINGS Chip and Joanna Gaines are the husband-wife stars of HGTV’s hit series Fixer Upper. Chip, whose entrepreneurial DNA has led him to launch at least a dozen small businesses over the years in Waco, Texas, does the “grunt work” of renovating older houses. Joanna is the creative...
Our Mistakes Don’t Have To Define Us
OUR MISTAKES DON’T HAVE TO DEFINE US All of us make mistakes. With grace and grit, we can learn from our mistakes. And then there are those of us who actually earn from our mistakes. That brings us to Bette Nesmith Graham, an executive secretary in the mid-1950s for...
The Hero’s Journey Begins with a Single Step
THE HERO’S JOURNEY BEGINS WITH A SIGNLE STEP It is a step over the threshold – out the door and into a world that may prove to be dramatically different from the world being left behind. Crossing the threshold is the point of no return. In J.R.R. Tolkien’s The...
Walking Through the Fog
WALKING THROUGH THE FOG In 1803, an English pharmacist named Luke Howard forever changed the way we talk about clouds. He helpfully suggested that clouds be classified into three groups. Layered clouds he called stratus. Fluffy clouds he named cumulus. And the high feathery ones he labeled cirrus. More...