EMERGENCY NUMBERS Emergency numbers may be dialed direct. No operator assistance is necessary. EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS When in sorrow, ………………………………….. call John 14 When men fail you, ………………………………. call Psalm 27 If you want to be fruitful, ……………………….. call John 15 When you have sinned, ……………………………. call Psalm 51...
Parable of the Pencil
PARABLE OF THE PENCIL The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box. There are 5 things you need to know, he told the pencil, before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become...
Instructions for Life
INSTRUCTIONS FOR LIFE 1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. 2. Memorize your favorite poem. 3. Don’t believe all you hear. 4. Don’t spend all you have. 5. Don’t sleep all you want. 6. When you say, “I love you”, mean it. 7. When you...
I Know
I KNOW I know He is the beginning, so why do I worry about the end. I know He is the creator, so why do I wonder who will destroy. I know He has forgiven me, so why can’t I forgive myself. I know He is a healer, so...
HUGS No moving parts, no batteries. No monthly payments and no fees; Inflation proof, non-taxable, In fact, it’s quite relaxable; It can’t be stolen, won’t pollute, One size fits all, do not dilute. It uses little energy, But yields results enormously. Relieves your tension and your stress, Invigorate your...