What You Will Be

The following is an E-Mail Ministry message. <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< WHAT YOU WILL BE As I gazed up at the mountains, I was awed by their majesty; I bowed my head and asked myself, “Why should He care for me? I am not...

Emergency Numbers

The following is an E-Mail Ministry message. <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< EMERGENCY NUMBERS Emergency numbers may be dialed direct No operator assistance is necessary EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS When in sorrow: call John 14 When men fail you: call Psalm 27 If you want to...

Sandbox Rock

SANDBOX ROCK A little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his sandbox.  He had with him his box of cars and trucks, his plastic pail, and a shiny, red plastic shovel. In the process of creating roads and tunnels in the soft sand, he discovered a large...