U Turns

U TURNS “Thanks for inviting me to go to church with you next Sunday, Uncle Al.” Tim and his uncle were on their way to Bonny Lake. They had heard the fishing there was great. “I . . . I don’t want to hurt your feelings,” continued Tim, “but...

Leaving the City of Regret

LEAVING THE CITY OF REGRET I had not really planned on taking a trip this time of year, and yet, I found myself packing rather hurriedly. This trip was going to be unpleasant and I knew in advance that no real good would come of it. I’m talking about...

Recipe for Kindness

RECIPE FOR KINDNESS Fold two hands together And express a dash of sorrow Marinate it overnight And work on it tomorrow. Chop one grudge in tiny pieces Add several cups of love Dredge with a largeĀ  sized smile Mix with the ingredients above. Dissolve the hate within you, By...

Where U Are Needed

WHERE “U” ARE NEEDED… “U” are needed in Bible ST_DY, but not in IGNORANCE. “U” are needed in S_PPORT, but not in NEGLECT. “U” are needed in _NITY, but not in DIVISION. “U” are needed in D_TY, but not in IRRESPONSIBILITY. “U” are needed in B_ILDING, but not in...


WORDS I have always had a special love for words. Words have such power in them. The right words can uplift, inspire, heal, and create endless joy and love in our lives. The wrong words can depress, discourage, hurt, and bring us endless misery and pain. It is so...