Kids’ Letters To God

KIDS’ LETTERS TO GOD Dear God, Did you mean for the giraffe to look like that or was it an accident? Norma Dear God, Instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why don’t you just keep the ones you have now? Jane Dear God, Who...

Ten Inches of Water

TEN INCHES OF WATER A boy was sitting in a park bench with one hand resting on an open Bible. He was loudly exclaiming his praise to God. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! God is great! he yelled without worrying whether anyone heard him or not. Shortly after, along came a man...

Living Your Life Without Sin

LIVING YOUR LIFE WITHOUT SIN There was a little girl, who’s father was a pastor. One day, she came to her father and said, “Daddy, can a person go their whole life without sinning?” The father answered, “No, honey, I’m sorry, but that’s just not possible.” “What about a...

Imitating His Voice

IMITATING HIS VOICE Pastor Mark Thompson of Faribault, Minnesota, suffered terrible knife wounds from an assailant in his home, in October 1988. One of the many consequences of his difficult recovery was being forced to miss watching his son Chris run in the state cross-country championship meet. Pastor Thompson...

What T.J. Drew

WHAT T.J. DREW A weary mother returned from the store, Lugging groceries through the kitchen door. Awaiting her arrival was her 8 year old son, Anxious to relate what his younger brother had done. “While I was out playing and Dad was on a call, T.J. took his crayons...