E-Mail Ministry is Four Years Old

E-MAIL MINISTRY IS FOUR YEARS OLD Today (December 3, 2002) is the fourth birthday for E-Mail Ministry. This ministry started as a calling from God to combine my fasination with the power of the internet with my call for evangelism. The first message went to 15 friends and family....

Beginning With Him – July, 2000

BEGINNING WITH HIM July, 2002 Edition TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR TODAY’S MESSAGE: * * * STATE OF E-MAIL MINISTRY I appreciate all the people who responded to last month’s “Beginning with Him” message (https://www.emailministry.org/stories2.asp?id=518) The kind notes were very...

Beginning With Him (Feb, 2002)

BEGINNING WITH HIM February, 2002 Edition As is the continued tradition, the first E-Mail Ministry (EMM) message of the month is my chance to talk to all of you about EMM and other related items. TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR TODAY’S MESSAGE: [PRAYER OF SPOUSES...