APRIL SHOWERS As is the continued tradition, the first E-Mail Ministry message of the month is my chance to talk to all of you about E-Mail Ministry and other related items. So here goes this month’s edition: TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR TODAY’S MESSAGE: [OUTREACH...
Beginning With Him
FEBRRRRRRRUARY!!! As is the continued tradition, the first E-Mail Ministry message of the month is my chance to talk to all of you about E-Mail Ministry and other related items. So here goes the February edition: * * * STATE OF E-MAIL MINISTRY – A MUST READ!!! I really...
Happy 1 Year Birthday E-Mail Ministry!!
HAPPY ONE YEAR BIRTHDAY E-MAIL MINISTRY!!! As is the continued tradition, the first E-Mail Ministry message of the month is my chance to talk to all of you about E-Mail Ministry and other related items. So here goes the December edition: One year ago today (3-Dec) the first E-Mail...
November Has Arrived!
As is the continued tradition, the first E-Mail Ministry message of the month is my chance to talk to all of you about E-Mail Ministry and other related items. So here goes the November edition: TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR TODAY’S MESSAGE (sorry it is soooo long, a lot of...
It’s October
As is the continued tradition, the first E-Mail Ministry message of the month is my chance to talk to all of you about E-Mail Ministry and other related items. So here goes the October edition: * * * PLEASE NOTE I will be off-line from Saturday 2-Oct. to Saturday...