IT’S BETWEEN YOU AND GOD … People are often unreasonable, Illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, People may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful, You will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you...
I’ve Learned
I’VE LEARNED… I’ve learned- that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I’ve learned- that no matter how much I care, some people just don’t care back. I’ve learned- that it takes years...
Living The Bible
LIVING THE BIBLE His name is Bill. He has wild hair, wears a T-shirt with holes in it, jeans and no shoes. This was literally his wardrobe for his entire four years of college. He is brilliant. Kind of esoteric and very, very bright. He became a Christian while...
I Refuse
I REFUSE Dear Sirs and Madams, I am writing concerning the poem that you have put in your e-mail….. I wrote this poem shortly after my daughter was murdered and I have noticed that many ppl are using it in thier e-mail ministries and web site ministries. I dont...
The Best Day Of My Life
THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE Today, when I awoke, I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my life, ever! There were times when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did! And because I did I’m going to celebrate! Today, I’m...