FEBRRRRRRRUARY!!! As is the continued tradition, the first E-Mail Ministry message of the month is my chance to talk to all of you about E-Mail Ministry and other related items. So here goes the February edition: * * * STATE OF E-MAIL MINISTRY – A MUST READ!!! I really...
A Testimonial from Chad
A TESTIMONIAL FROM CHAD The next to last day of school had just been completed, and summer baseball practice was starting. My friend, Andrew, who had had his license for about a month, was scheduled to pick me up to take me to practice in a little bit. He...
Testimonial from Bonnie
TESTIMONIAL FROM BONNIE I never really gave the LORD much thought until 1994. I had grown up in a dysfunctional home and my father was not a religious man, and actually quite the opposite. I was the scapegoat in the family and I received an enormous amount of abuse,...
A Testimonial From Richard Dawson
A TESTIMONIAL FROM RICHARD DAWSON Doctors diagnosed a massive brain tumor in my Mother in 1984. She was referred to the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan for evaluation. The neurosurgeon recommended immediate surgery as soon as my folks could settle their affairs. The plan was to...
The Top 10 Things You Won’t Have to Worry About With The Y2K Bug
THE TOP 10 THINGS YOU WON’T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT WITH THE Y2K BUG 10. The Bible will still have the answers. 9. Prayer will still work. 8. The Holy Spirit will still move. 7. God will still inhabit praise. 6. There will still be anointed preaching. 5. There...