A Note from doug – E-Mail Ministry

A Note from doug

I want to send out a brief note about some behind the scenes happenings at E-Mail Ministry.

Just when I was ready to start ramping up E-Mail Ministry again, things started to go wrong – and I’m not talking about the COVID-19 stuff.

The website started to have issues and when I contacted the “No Name” ISP (Internet Service Provider) they were not a lot of help. Too much technical language and constant talk about additional fees, etc. But they wouldn’t / couldn’t do any website repairs.

I decided to make a switch – a switch I should have done a long time ago. I contacted a long time friend of mine Le Weaver (neither of us will quote how many years that is) at CircleWebWorks. They agreed to transfer the E-Mail Ministry website to their servers and do all the necessary updates and repairs, host the website, provide e-mail and continuous maintenance for less than what No Name ISP was charging.

It took a little while to make the switch, etc. due to their backlog of work.

If anyone is in need of a website, large or small, I would highly recommend CircleWebWorks. I use them for my company’s website (processdevelopers.com – currently scheduled for their next upgrade). Here is some information about them:

CircleWebWorks is a full-service website design and management company focused on helping small businesses, creative professionals, and select nonprofits put their best foot forward on the internet. CWW owner Le Isaac Weaver sums up their work like this, “Our mission is to help. Plain and simple. Help our clients, help their clients, help make a more just and peaceful world. We are all given unique and important gifts, gifts we must use intentionally and responsibly to help each other do our best work and become our best selves.”

You can learn more about CircleWebWorks at: http://www.circlewebworks.com  Tell them doug from E-Mail Ministry sent you.

Everything is running great now!! Visit the website and check it out: www.emailministry.org

Now, I just need to get back in the habit of sending out messages on a more regular basis.

Feel free to forward any and all messages as you feel led.

I hope this finds you and yours healthy and safe. These are strange times right now, but we all need to keep strong and keep the faith.

God Bless You!!

— doug boebinger


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Visit our website at: emailministry.org

Sponsor: Integrated Process Developers, Inc: processdevelopers.com

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“E-Mail Ministry” is a trademark of E-Mail Ministry, Inc.
— Doug Boebinger
— The entire Staff of E-Mail Ministry