Vacation Travel Prayer

VACATION TRAVEL PRAYER Let us pray: O God, we entrust ourselves to you as we begin our journey.  Keep us safe, and give us the grace to be generous to one another and to be courteous and kind to everyone we meet along the way.  Help us to recognize...

Uncommon Courtesy (Adapted)

UNCOMMON COURTESY (Adapted) I ran into a stranger, as he passed by. “Oh, excuse me please,” was my reply. He said, “Oh, please, excuse me too; I wasn’t even watching; I didn’t see you.” We were very polite, this stranger and I. We went on our way, and we...

Where U Are Needed

WHERE “U” ARE NEEDED… “U” are needed in Bible ST_DY, but not in IGNORANCE. “U” are needed in S_PPORT, but not in NEGLECT. “U” are needed in _NITY, but not in DIVISION. “U” are needed in D_TY, but not in IRRESPONSIBILITY. “U” are needed in B_ILDING, but not in...